Legend: Dad: Bold lettering
Son: Normal lettering
Jesus: Underlined lettering
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Well, hello young…
My kite is all broken. Can you help me?
Oh I see that. I’m so sorry! Timmy, isn’t it?
And you are six, Timmy?
Yep—almost seven!
Well, why don’t you both come in? You can sit right over there if you’d like. Good! Is everybody settled?
Well, let me see what I can do about this kite of yours. And this is your dad Timmy?
Yes, he’s my Pop!
Is he a good dad, Timmy?
He’s the bestest dad in the whole wide world!
Wow, that’s one great dad!
Yep, I kind of like him. My mom says he’s a keeper.
Ah that’s good. So Timmy, I’d like to get to know you a little better, and then we can talk about what we can do for your kite. Is that OK?
So, tell me about your day so far.
You mean all of it?
Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.
OK. Well, today is my special day.
I like special days, special in what way?
Today me and Pop are by ourselves. It’s our adventure day. He says it’s our special day!
That sounds fun.
Yes, I promised Timmy when we started having our special day that I would set a few hours aside occasionally, but if I set time aside, I wanted Timmy to do something also.
Yep. My dad wanted me to think of a name I could call our day, like a super-secret password.
How exciting!
So I’m hurting my brain, I’m thinking so hard about it, and then, zap! It just comes into my head.
Ah, so you figured out a name?
Yep! I call it my “Silly Pop Day” cause it’s just us two, and we can be silly with each other.
That’s a great name!
Yep! I told my dad, and he said I was part of a new generator.
I think that was a new generation, Son.
Yep! That’s the word, Dad.
Do you know what that means, Timmy?
Well I think, kind of. .
It means people your age are smart and strong and brave.
Like a lion!
Yes Timmy, just like a lion. It sounds like you really like this day.
Yep! It’s the best. I love it when my dad puts it on the calendar. I sneak in everyday to make sure it is still there. So, I decided today I wanted to fly a kite.
Wow, that does sound exciting!
I know!
So I told Timmy, let’s give it a try-it does sound fun!
So Dad drives us to this store. What was it called, Dad?
Forever Kites.
Yeah, that’s it! It’s where they make all kinds of kites. We talked to the. . .what was his name again, Dad?
The kite master.
Yes, I talked to the kite mister about what I want, and he starts showing us around. It was a humongous place, and he was very nice, and wow! There are some really big ones, like way bigger than me.
Yes, it was a very big place.
My dad said we should start out small because of my size. Also, my dad is sometimes fugal, my mom says.
I think maybe you mean your dad is frugal.
Yep! That’s the word; I think it means cheap.
Ouch, Timmy! Well, maybe he’s kind of right. However, the kite master did help Timmy pick out a kite. Timmy just explained to him what he wanted, and the kite master had a few additional suggestions, and he matched everything up just like Timmy wanted.
One of the things I wanted on my kite was a name.
And why did you want a name?
Well, then I know the kite is special just for me.
And the kite master helped you with that?
Yep I told him what I wanted to call my kite and he said no one had asked him that before, but he would do it.
Timmy what name did you want on your kite?
I wanted it to say “believe”
That is unusual, but I really like it. Did you choose the word because of what happened when you were just a baby?
Yes. My mom told me I was in a hurry to come here, I just couldn’t wait!
You came pretty early right?
Yep, my dad says I was way early. He nicknamed me his double cheeseburger combo with fries, because that’s about all I weighed.
And the word for your kite came about because. . .?
My Mom said so many people helped, and they believed so hard that things would be ok. Some days when things aren’t going too good, I just have to think about the word, and then I feel a little better.
Ah, now I see why the word has a special meaning to you.
Sometimes when I’ve done something right my mom holds me and calls me her little miracle, I guess because I was in the hospital so long.
I love the story behind your kite. So you really like it.
Yep! It’s the best kite ever. You know why?
I would venture a guess that it’s because it’s uniquely Timmy.
Yep! So we go ahead and buy it. It’s perfect for me, just my size and everything.
Very good, so what happens next?
We go to breakfast! That’s part of the “Silly Pop” deal. I get a giant stack of pancakes with lots of butter and like a gallon of syrup. Sometimes I eat part of my dad’s, too.
He always eats part of mine, part of being a growing boy I guess.
That sounds fantastic-a good time for both of you!
We really enjoy our “Silly Pop Day;” it’s a tradition now. So after breakfast I drive us down to the beach, where the wind is good, and we start assembling the kite. I’m not the best with instructions, but the kite master kind of explained how it all fits together, and in a few minutes, we had it together.
Can you remember what he said before we left, Dad?
Yes, Son he said you never know exactly how each kite will fly until its pieces are put together and it stretches itself to the wind.
So every kite has the same basic parts, but each kite is individual in its own way? Each kite handles the wind a little differently?
Yup. . .is that right, Dad?
Yes, that’s exactly right, Timmy.
So, Dad gets the kite put together, we hook up the line, and then what, Dad?
I told Timmy to take the control line and walk down the beach about 20 steps, and then I held the kite up as high as I could.
I guess that helps lunch it.
I think the word may be “launch” it, Timmy. Sounds like it’s time for the kite to try to fly.
Dad lines me up and holds the kite up and then what, Dad?
I told Timmy to run as fast as he could, and then I let go of the kite.
I just took off running; I can run real fast!
I bet you can, Timmy, and then?
Well, the kite just kept on falling.
Yes, we would get it up for a few seconds while Timmy was running, but then it would start zigging and zagging and fall to the sand. We tried a couple of more times, but the same thing happened.
I didn’t think my kite was going to fly and wondered if I should have put that name on it, and then this guy came up to Dad.
Yes, he’d been sitting watching us on a bench as we struggled to get the kite up, then he came over and whispered something to me.
Words of encouragement or support?
No, he just told Dad to make the tail longer, and one other thing huh dad.
Yes, he just whispered in my ear, “I believe”
Ah, I see.
He was an experienced kite flier, so he told me to add a length of cloth to the tail, and it would begin to fly right. So I ran to the car and got some cloth and the guy showed us the right length and where to tie it on.
He was a great help, right Dad?
Yes, he was, Son.
Then what happened?
We got the kite just off the ground. What did you call it, Dad?
Hovering, Son. The guy gave us a thumbs up, and we thanked him before he left and then we decided to try again.
Yep, but before we did that, Dad told me a story about how kites are like life. He does this sometimes. . .kind of like the parallels in the Bible, I think.
Ah yes, parables.
Yes, that’s it. . .kind of a special Jesus story.
Do you like the parables when your Dad reads them?
Yep, I love the stories of Jesus.
I’m so glad. So, let’s continue with your story.
Well, my Dad asks me what the tail is doing for the kite, and I think it’s like making it heavier on the bottom. Right, Dad?
Right, Son.
So, when the kite gets in the air now, it stays centered.
Exactly right.
I take just a few seconds to point out to Timmy some of the stable things in his life; things like family and friends, scriptures and daily prayer, going to church and learning more about Jesus.
Timmy, I’m so glad to hear you have all those things in your life.
Yeah, making friends is hard though.
Believe me, I know. One of the hardest decisions in life is being surrounded with good friends. Do you have good friends Timmy?
Yep, we play a lot.
Very good! So, what happened to the kite next?
Finally, we get the kite in the air just a little, and I’m holding it steady, and my dad is more excited I think than even me!
Timmy is not exaggerating there.
So he runs up to me and says, “OK! Let’s just let the control line out a little at a time.” But he lets me do it, cause it’s my kite.
Yes, and when he lets the control line out, the kite drops just a little until the line goes tight again as the kite starts to climb. Timmy was pretty good about letting the line out slowly.
Timmy, can you remember in the scriptures where it says we learn line upon line?
Yep. I think my Mom read that to me.
That’s kind of like what you were doing with the kite: giving out a little line each time instead of all at once. This allows the kite to feel the change, and then it can adjust to the new wind pattern and learn. So, by letting the line out slowly, what happened to the kite?
It was crazy! It started going higher and higher! I couldn’t believe it! Well, I could “believe” it. I mean it’s the name of my kite! It was getting so high! It got way up there-I had to keep looking at the spool to see if I still had line left!
Just like us! If we could just learn a little precept each day, we could rise to new heights and fly high like your kite. So what happened next?
Well, the kite is way up high...like miles high.
Not quite miles, Son, but yes—way up there.
And then my Dad starts to tell me another story. . .you know another parallel.
I told Timmy to look at the kite. Sometimes it’s just floating effortlessly, and then the wind changes or a gust comes along and knocks the kite to the side. Sometimes it’s pulling Timmy so hard, it’s almost dragging him. The wind is just so unpredictable.
Yep, sometimes the kite pulls really strong and then it loops. Is that right, Dad?
Yes, Son. The kite is kind of like life too. Sometimes everything can be going fine, and then a big gust of life comes along and knocks you for a loop. We must be ready for those loops even though we don’t like them.
Dad says sometimes those life loops can hurt pretty bad.
Kind of like when you crashed your bike Timmy?
Yes! How did you know that? So, I was learning to ride my bike, but I wasn’t careful enough, and I crashed. It scraped up my knee real bad. My Dad had to put a Band-Aid on it and everything.
And did you learn anything from that crash?
Yeah, try to never crash again and be more careful. I got a lot better on my bike the more I rode it.
Ah, a lesson well learned then?
Yep. I still have these little marks on my knee to prove it, see?
Yes, I do. Now let’s get back to that kite of yours. So, it seems like everything is going great and then. . .
Well, my Dad did one of those parallels again and started talking about how the line-you know, that we put on the kite—is kind of like. . .what was it, Dad?
The commandments, Son. The things we learn from the scriptures. If you have a strong hold on the line, it helps anchor the kite, but if too much slack gets in the line, then the kite starts to zig zag out of control.
So the control line isn’t necessarily holding the kite back it’s just giving the kite the freedom to climb and be more stable in the wind. Is that right, Timmy?
That’s a great analogy, Timmy.
What is an analogy, Dad?
Kind of like a parable, Timmy.
Oh, cool! So, my dad said Heavenly Father gave the commandments to us to help protect us from some of those life loops. Right, Dad?
Yes, Son.
Timmy, what are some of the commandments you think your dad is teaching you?
Oh, I guess stuff like being kind, and being honest. Are those some, Dad?
Yes, Son.
And helping the neighbors and helping our family to love each other. Sometimes that can be hard. Oh yeah, and also loving Heavenly Father and Jesus.
Wow, you really do know a lot about the commandments, Timmy. I’m so proud of you. So, then what happened to the kite? I see it’s all. . .
Yep, all broken! And I feel real bad about it. I was just talking with my dad and not paying attention, and maybe I thought I could do it all by myself.
A little over-confident?
I guess. Anyway, we were having such a good time, then I relaxed my grip on the line. . .I mean, just for a second, and a big gust came up and tore it out of my hands.
Timmy cried out to me and I jumped for the line, but it was too fast. All we could do was watch as the wind ripped his kite apart and finally blew it into the rocks.
When I heard it hit the rocks, I knew I did something really, really bad.
Oh Timmy, I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but we all make little mistakes in life. We all crash into the rocks occasionally. The question is how hard was the fall, and what is required for the repair.
I told Timmy to gather up the control line, and I ran towards the rocks to see if I could find the kite.
I’m rolling up the line the best I can and really hoping—really, really hoping. . .maybe even saying a little prayer that everything would be OK.
Yes, and, as you can see, there isn’t much left of it.
When dad showed it to me, I just started to cry. I was so sad. It was so pretty before and now it’s all broken and dirty. I ruined it. I ruined it all. But Dad gave me a big hug to help me feel better.
I’m sorry you felt so bad, Timmy. But Dad’s hugs do help sometimes.
Yes, a little.
Timmy, let me ask you what brought you here? What brought you to me?
Well, my dad and I thought the kite couldn’t be repaired, and we were on the way to the trashcan to throw it away. I said to myself, “I can’t believe I ruined my brand-new kite.” And when I said the word “believe“ I had this little feeling, kind of in my tummy, but not quite and then I thought of something.
Was that little feeling kind of a warm feeling?
Yeah! How did you know? And then something came into my brain about what the kite mister said at the store.
Ok, then what happened?
Well, I looked up at my dad, and I told him we couldn’t throw this kite away. I begged him.
And I looked at my son and said it was pretty well destroyed, and we should just get rid of it.
But then, I told my dad about this feeling I had and about the kite mister and what he said about someone who could repair the kite.
That’s right, Son. I had completely forgotten about it. I remembered I had a card in my pocket with an address on it. So, I looked at the address; the corner of Hope Lane and Heaven Avenue. I'm sure I’ve driven by this place probably a hundred times, but I’ve never noticed it.
Yes, a lot of people say that it’s hard to find unless you’re truly searching for it.
I told my son it was only a few blocks away and asked if he really wanted to go.
I said yes because, I don’t know, I just felt deep down inside me that we needed to.
I’m glad you recognize those little feelings, Timmy; they will be there in times of need in future years.
Dad said the card says the shop is open 24/7, whatever that means.
That means I’m always here. So that little feeling brought you to me, and you walked here?
Yes, it wasn’t very far. On the way people were looking down at me probably because my kite looked so bad. And one person mumbled that the “believe” word I put on the kite didn’t seem to help much. It didn’t make me feel any better, and I wanted to cry again. But then, Dad talked to me about them.
I just told Timmy that sometimes people are cruel because they are dealing with their own kite problems, and we just decided to look straight ahead so we could keep focused on getting the kite fixed, not on how others felt about us.
That’s good advice.
Remember what happened next, Dad?
Yes, this lady came running up and said we were almost there. She was very excited and said that she had her kite repaired recently, and the shop is just around the corner.
There are always the few who have that extra desire to make the world a little better, especially after their kite has been repaired.
Well, she was right, it was just around the corner. So, we got here, and I told Dad that it didn’t look like anybody was here.
And I reminded Timmy that the kite master said just to knock, and it would be opened unto us.
Yep. Then I saw the little sign that said, “please just knock.” So, I knocked.
And then?
My dad said we must be patient and, in a minute, you opened the door.
I’m so glad you came, Timmy. Sometimes people get so close but just fail to reach out and knock.
Wow! You have lots of kites in here; are they all for sale?
No, none of the kites are for sale. I guess you could say they are in “kite storage” for a little while. They are just waiting for someone to do what you did, believe again. Can you hand me your damaged kite, Timmy?
Here you go oh, I’m sorry! You’ve got ouchies like on my knee on your hands.
Yes, that happened a long, long time ago.
Those are way worse than mine. Did it hurt a lot?
Probably more than anyone will ever realize, Timmy.
Did you cry? When I scraped my knee, I cried until my dad came and held me.
Were you also brave, Timmy?
Yes, I think so, especially when my dad had to clean my knee before putting the Band-Aid on. I just had to bite my lip and be brave because I knew he had to do it.
I also had to be brave, and sometimes I had to just grit my teeth through the pain, because I also knew it needed to be done, and Timmy, I did cry out once. But then, you know what?
Like you, it felt much better when my father put his arms around me and held me.
I wish I could make your ouchies all better.
Timmy, you are making them all better—you really, really are. Perhaps your father can tell you more about what happened when he reads you one of those, you know, parallel stories.
You’re so funny! You mean “parable story!”
Ah, see! You’ve learned what the word is now, I’m so proud of you. And Timmy.
Thank you for caring about me.
Thank you for caring about my kite!
Let’s look at that kite. I can see that it was indeed a beautiful kite once and built strong by skilled hands, but it definitely needs some loving repairs to make it right again. You know Timmy, I’ve seen every kind of damage that could be done to a kite. I’ve seen the broken, the soiled, the ripped, the gouged, the hurt, the forgotten, the unloved, and the mistreated. Everything you could imagine a kite has been through I’ve seen and felt, and Timmy. . .
I’ve seen kites in worse shape than your kite.
Really? It looks so bad. Do you think you can fix it?
There is always, always hope, and I’m proud you brought it to me. Some people just give up on what’s left of their kite, kind of like what you were going to do before you had that feeling. They turn their backs on trying to fix it, sometimes because they can’t picture how it could ever be repaired again, and sometimes they just ignore the little feeling they have. Some start the journey to the shop but can’t quite find their way to my door, so they simply throw their kite in a trash can to be forgotten and unloved and walk away. But do you know what happens next?
I go and search in the trash cans and retrieve every kite I can find.
Really? No way!
Yes, I do. I just take it right out of the trash container. I don’t care if people judge me for who they think I am or what I am doing, and yes, in the process, I even get a little soiled. But once I have the kite in my hand, it is all worth it. I am there for the purpose of rescuing forgotten kites. I will never give up on a kite, no matter how grand or how small. You see, I know how much time and love went into making each kite, and I will never give up; not ever! Each one I find I bring back here and hold it for a repair.
These kites are all waiting for repairs before they can fly again?
Yes, they are just patiently waiting for their owner to come back and retrieve them. Still broken, but not forgotten.
Wow! Some of them look like they’ve been here for a long time.
Yes, some for quite a long time; many are much older than you, Timmy. I have little messages sent to the owners so they know the kite can be repaired, but sometimes they’re too busy with those “life loops” to receive the message.
Is your message kind of like email?
No, not like email, but like that feeling you got when you knew you had to do something, the feeling you got when you knew you had to come here. That’s the kind of message I send and hope will be received.
Oh, so that message kind of guides them back here to your store.
Yes, and sadly, some get right up to the door but can’t quite reach out to knock. I know they are there, and with all my heart I want them to knock, but it must be their decision. Sometimes it can take them a while to find the right street, so they must search for a while. But when they finally find the store, if they just knock, I will open the door. Do you know the first thing I do when I open the door for them?
Say hello?
Well, yes, but I also welcome them, gather them in my arms, and hug them.
You hug them?
Yes. You see, I am so thankful that they are being reunited with their kites again. For some it has been so long they’ve almost forgotten what it’s like to have their kite. They’ve forgotten the beauty, the majesty, the miracle, and the feeling. AndTimmy, do you know what they leave with?
Yep, they take their kites!
Well actually, I hope they leave with three things: first, their kite for sure; second, I place the line securely in their hands again and show them a stronger grip; and lastly, they also leave with belief and hope, hope that their kite will once again fly high and grand like before. I encourage them to go fly their kite as quickly as possible so they can be together with other kite flyers. In this way other people can encourage them and help instruct them on how to keep their kite in the sky. Does that make sense to you, Timmy?
Yes, people like the guy that told us to put extra weight to the tail of my kite.
Exactly like that Timmy. Someone who is willing to take a moment to share and to care.
I like that story.
Timmy, I’m going to ask you the same question I ask everyone who shows up at my door. I ask them if they can truly believe that I can make their kite like new. Timmy, can you have faith that I can make your kite like new?
Yes, I believe! Dad, can we both believe?
Yes, I believe too Timmy, but your belief is important because it is your kite.
Oh, right! I will really, truly believe!
Timmy, that’s what I was hoping for! With your belief, we have a good chance. Maybe we can even use that big word your mom used.
You mean “miracle?”
Yes. Would you be alright with that?
Yep! I will keep believing.
Great! I shouldn’t be too long, I will be right back.
Dad, he’s such a nice person, and I really believe he can repair the kite. But wouldn’t it be easier to go buy a brand-new one?
Son, I think it goes beyond that. I think he does it because of the love he has for every kite. Look around you at all the kites he has waiting for repair: every different color of the rainbow, all different sizes, all ready to be repaired. Some are small and simple, some big and complex, but they can all be repaired. Can you imagine the joy he must feel when he sees a skyline full of repaired kites rising to new heights, each one unique and individual in its own right? The joy he must feel when that once-forgotten kite has another chance and rises gracefully into the sky to fly again, to be free again, to join all the other kites in the sky? I think it probably takes his breath away, Son.
I guess he has a great love for all kites even if they are banged up. But Dad, how did he know my name, how old I am, and my bike crash?
I think he knows and cares a lot about all of us, Son. Since we’ve talked a lot about different things today, what do you think your kite means to you?
I guess, because it can fly so high, it’s kind of like how close I am to Heavenly Father.
I think that’s right, Son.
I mean, sometimes I can be miles in the air just floating along like my kite and other times, I struggle with the wind to even get off the ground, ‘cause I'm not doing good things. Does that make sense, Dad?
It’s kind of like a testimony, Son. And Timmy, I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Here he comes, Dad!
How does it look, Timmy? The cross spar and spine have been repaired, and the fabric fixed where it was torn . . .like brand-new, don’t you think?
Holy cow! It looks brand new! And my word is still there!
Timmy, for anyone who looks at it, it is brand new. All traces of the soil and damage are gone. It can fly once again just as high and beautiful as any other kite in the sky, and do you know why? Because you had enough faith to truly believe.
My faith helped?
Your faith really helped Timmy.
Thank you! You're so nice. Do we need to pay you? My dad can pay you!
No, that’s fine Timmy. The repair is always free. The only payment necessary was the faith that brought you here and that allowed the repair to work. But we still need to do one thing for the kite to fly again. Do you still have the control line?
Yes, it’s right here.
OK, go ahead and attach it and then tell me what you’ve done.
OK, I’ve got it hooked up now, and let’s see. . .my dad told me the line represents the commandments. Is that right?
Yes, absolutely right. And what happened once the line got away?
The kite lost control; it had no line to help guide it.
Do you feel like he’s right? You know when your dad talked about those big gusts of life and the loops they can create, and that the line can help?
Yes, I do.
Timmy, going forward, remember what your father has taught you about what the tail represents. Those things like family, friends, studying the scriptures, personal prayer, and the Holy Ghost help stabilize us. And the line, you know the commandments, works together with the tail to allow your kite to rise to even higher heights. Can you remember all that for me?
Yes, I can!
And Timmy, can you hold on tighter to the line next time, and when your dad reads the parables and tells you the stories, will you continue to listen? Some of those stories Jesus told are meant especially for you.
Yes, I will.
Can you also believe the kite is whole again and can fly just as perfectly as it did before?
Yes, I can believe that. It looks brand new now!
Timmy, it is brand new.
I kind of like it here. . . can I come back again sometime?
Timmy, everyone is always and forever welcome here. Just remember there are two things you need to do. Can you remember what they are?
Is the first one to remember the word parable? Just kidding!
Good one, Timmy.
I think the first thing is that I really need to believe, is that right?
Yes, believing is always so important.
And then, I think I need to knock?
That’s correct, and you know something?
What’s that?
Timmy, I will always, always answer.
All Right Reserved
Gregory Reece
GLR Production LLC